Forum Format Question

Can someone tell me why in some threads the text is in a neat column that fits well on the screen (has the right hand column visible) and other threads, in the same forum are spread out so wide that I have to move the screen to see the full width of the text? The right hand column is still there, but way over there somewhere. Is there a way to make it so they are all alike? (Narrow ones, hopefully.)

Thank you,

Hey Moo-Man! How’s the weather down in Bills-Ville?

It has to do with what’s posted, and whether or not the formatting will allow it to be wrapped around the contraints of the forum.

Certain content can break the specified limits.

Thanks, I think! One of those computer things that my old brain doesn’t quite understand, but does understand that such things can hapen.

Spent about 45 min in the capital city today. Heard that part of your commute route (Bolton Flats) had a little problem with white stuff for a few minutes today. We only had a few wet flakes today, expect things will change before too long.

How’s the job?

Thanks again,

Can be any of several things. New forum server software is not too bright about how it serves content to your web browser.

Situation is a little better if you use Firefox 3 as your browser, since Kalmbach and/or their SW suppliers have done an explicit hack serverside for firefox 3, in that the web server which first presents the web page as is (with overly wide columns where there are pictures), and then it reformats the web page on the fly to make pictures smaller (and thus make the central column narrower).

It is a little annoying having to watch the web page jumping back and forth, and it takes extra time, but at least you tend to end up with (after a few extra seconds) with a web page where the right margin isn’t way off the screen so you have to scroll right.

If you use Internet Explorer 6, you are mostly out of luck. The people who programmed the forum software apparently made a more or less deliberate choice to focus more on making the forum web pages with more bells and whistles (like auto-popup menus) rather than to focus on keeping the web application backwards compatible with older web browser versions which still are in widespread use.

That is supposing that the problem is wide images.

I have also seen one case of another problem - I copied some text from a web page and posted in another post. The posting editor was “bright” enough that it didn’t just get the text, it also got the formatting from the other web page and disp

I remember the old software would “go wide” on me when someone posted one of those super ultra long 500 character E-Bay links, but that was the only time it did it.

Right now, I’m drinking coffee from a ceramic mug my sister gave me many years ago. It’s white with green stripes, like the large tractor-feed computer paper of days gone by. On it, printed in an old line-printer font, are numerous sayings about these machines that were built “to serve man.”

One of the says: Program complexity grows until it exceeds the capability of the programmer to maintain it.

I rest my case.