Hello Folks,
I did one of these a couple of years ago, and saw a thread currently running on another forum to the same effect.
As it’s been a while since my last pole, I’m curious to see how the statistics have switched. It’s been my general observation that we seem to have an ever-increasing number of younger members, which is one of the main things I’m interested in.
Since I’ll be crunching the numbers and running some stats on them, I’d be really appreciative if everyone would please follow these guidlines when responding.
Please respond with your current age, not the age that you will be in a few days, weeks, or months
Please limit your response to only straight forward numerical representations-i.e. if you’re 45, please simply state 45-not fourty five or 22+23 or the 18th anniversary of my 27th birthday, or some other combination.
Following these guidelines will make the statistics much, much easier, so your cooperation in this is very much appreciated.
Thanks in advance for any and all responses. I’ll let this run a couple of days, and then report the statistics.