forum policies

Where is this link to the forum policies, that you want me to read?

That’s fascinating – the link to the TOS and policies is even more enigmatic than it was before. There were supposed to be clickable links to the policies in each of the little words “forum policies” in the individual headings; now there aren’t. There used to be a link somewhere in that bar menu, not in the place I’d have thought to look for it but somewhere; I can’t find it now.

We have had exhaustive discussions about the policies, which contained links to the original content, a number of times, and you could ‘search the community’ for some of them.

Brian – fix this. Put the links back and make navigation to the TOS for Kalmbach as an organization and Trains Magazine in particular better and quicker. I found it highly interesting that Googling for them didn’t produce much except peripheral references and, in one case, a synopsis of the MR policies but not the policy document itself!

I guess like the Tech Industry heading toward Y2K - they have the application but have lost the source code.

I’m baffled. Who is the “you” that wants the original poster of this thread to read about policies, and why isn’t the question asked in the thread that “you” stated the suggestion?

It’s on the Model Railroad Forum:

Steven Otte

- Member since
May, 2009
- From: Waukesha, WI
- 574 posts

Our Forum Policies (updated 2/14/2014)

Posted by Steven Otte on Thursday, January 24, 2013 1:54 PM

If you are new to our forums, welcome! Below is an outline of our genera

Thanks, Norris, for importing the Model Railroading policy–which, I am confident, is the same for all of the Kalmbach forums.

Basically, it tells us that we are to respect one another, and not bring material that has no real connection with railroading in (except, of course, for the social threads, and we are to respect one another there), nor should we make inflammatory posts.

Some time back we were gifted with some moderators who were ‘exported’ from the Model Railroader Forum… As I recall ‘they’ created an ‘odor’ around here that was both insulting here, and as odorific as a Firestone flattened Peppe LePheeww. ‘They’ seemed to skulk back to their previous lair, and we were left to play as adults…Then recently, there was a sticky Thread posted here statinf we should all PLAY NICE WITH ONE ANOTHER.

Apparently, the OP on this thread had his knuckles raked for one reason or another, and threatened with time out? [:'(]

Generally, it has been a personal observation that the adults here have been most respectful of Kalmbach’s Rules…Certainly, it was a far different time that some years back when the intermural ‘flame fights’, and general aspersions were being cast as disagreements arorse among the likes of 'Futuremodal, Michael Sol, and several others whom I have tried to forget…Those were the times when Murphy Siding and Selector got a little older and grayer…[banghead][banghead]

Recently, time have been somewhat genteel by comparison…Selector has been able to just deal with reclacritrant students and Murphy Siding has one to deal with the occasional spinter in his fingers…

To paraphrase Capt

The official policy is in the Kalmbach terms of service, which is not linked at present (but I think should be - there should be ‘hot links’ from each of the ‘read our forum policies’ notes in the forum section descriptions directly to the part of the TOS regarding forum policies.) It can be found here.

For convenience, I reproduce the relevant section of the current TOS. In particular, note where it is similar, and where it differs, from what Mr. Otte posted.

Forum Terms
Violating any of the Terms below may result in your forum account being locked. In the event that your forum account is locked, we may, but are not obligated to, remove forum posts you have added to our site.

  • Please keep discussions on topic.
  • No personal attacks or name-calling. Please keep conversations cordial. We understand that there will be differences of opinion. Accept that others might not have your same point of view. Don’t sink to personal attacks.
  • No swearing or foul language, and don’t use symbols to mask the words. The meaning is still conveyed and we don’t want it in our forum. Please keep in mind that we have readers of all ages.
  • Your forum screen name and signature should not be used as a place to express your personal beliefs (religion, politics, martial status, sexual orientation, etc.). Remember, our forums are hosted to bring people with a common interest together in one place. Don’t let your personal viewpoints on unrelated topics interfere with the common reason we’re all here.
  • No advertising and no use of company names as screen names. Our forums should not be used as an advertising medium for companies who want to promote their business or products, or by

If it isn’t posted here by Kalmbach - it didn’t happen.

With some regret, I note the difference between how the Kalmbach organization defines and maintains their TOS and how they set out their privacy policy – which hot-links from many places except, amusingly, from the link on the official Kalmbach TOS page, which is broken. (As a case in point, although COPPA is not mentioned by name, there is a section in the privacy policy that specifically establishes legal basis for the kinds of specific protection that law calls for.)

To paraphrase what Balt just said, ‘if it isn’t posted in the official TOS by Kalmbach, it shouldn’t happen’ – and if anyone wants to modify or amend or even explain any of the official TOS provisions, outside the applicable organization TOS, that carries no official weight even if the ‘anyone’ is a moderator or an editor. The place to fix, or explain, anything is in the applicable TOS itself … and only a few words there will do so everywhere for everyone.

Forgive me please. but curiosity has gotten the better of me… what “amusing typo”?

Look for the phrase that is a euphemism for having a spouse.

Yes, some marital relations are martial relations.