Forums going to be offline? Perfect, so am I.

Internet gets shut down tomorrow and I am moving. Can’t get reconnected until Wednesday. Whatever will I do? Don’t miss me too much.



Enjoy the break from the keyboard.


You’ll be back on-line, before they shut down. It’s next week end May 31st, not tomorrow.

Take Care!


Well, Look at it this way:

you’ve got tennis elbow from it being consistantly bent over the keyboard;

You’ve got thumb-i-mania stiffness from holding the mouse so much;

You’ve got Index-finger-itis cramps from pressing the mouse button;

You’ve got eye strain complications from viewing the monitor so much;

And you’ve got BSI: Brain Stress Itis: from “digesting” too much internet gibber-jabber;

SO, the short break may do you some good!

Good luck with the Move!

Hopefully to a place where you can build you “dream layout” that is 34’ x 65’!!!


Randy, you have some nerve, thinking you can just walk away for a few days. [8o|]

Please PM me your cell phone number so that I can call you 24/7, should the need arise. [swg]


I would be so pumped about the new trainroom that I would not be able to sit down at a keyboard. But first, you’ll have to deal with all the other annoying details of moving, like setting up a kitchen so you can eat and a bed so you can sleep. You’re going to be busy.

Enjoy the next few weeks, Randy. Take some notes, lots of photos, so that you have a record of the events. There will come a time when you’ll look back on that evidence with fondness because you are no longer able to do them.

Just a suggestion…[:)]



Forgot to mention; pack the coffee pot and cup last so they will be the first thing you unpack!


Randy - good luck with the move!

I bet the most often used words in the next days will be “where is … (fill in at will)?”


You should be able to steal a wifi signal somewhere. go to a starbucks, have a frap and use their wifi. once the high energy kicks in, you’ll feel like unpacking. [:D]

From the sticky they posted “forums may experience sporadic page-not-found errors, inability to log-in and the like”…so, it’ll be business as normal [:O]



As it happens I will be offline too. So you won’t b alone.

Steve Otte says “maintenance and upgrades on our servers”; does that mean more improvements to the software as well? [oops] Here we go again! [|(]

Well, I’m back early. I ran the tv cables I needed, and just for the heck of it, hooked up the TV and cable modem, and wow, it actually all works. Half my speed from my old place, but still 25Mbps so everything runs just fine still.

Wondering what this new stuff is goign to be like, the new cable box.DVR is supposed to be wireless so less wires in the living room.


Welcome back, Randy, you were sorely missed !
