Went up to Fostoria this past weekend for the annual Rail Festival. After going to the train show at the high school, I headed down to the former B&O/Amtrak station. As I was parking in the lot between the CSX and NS tracks, I heard the crossing signals come on. Leaving my camera on the camera mount in the windshield, I let it record as an eastbound coal train came past.
After watching several more trains at the station, I headed down to the park and caught several trains there. Later on when there was a lull in trains, I called ahead and went to Tiffin to pick up a pizza and took it back to the park to tailgate for dinner.
As I was finishing dinner, I quickly got my camera set up on the tripod and caught a couple Loram rail grinders coming past F tower on CSX and stopping short of the Main Street crossing. I quickly walked down to the S. Poplar Street crossing and got some videos of the larger of the two rail grinders idling as well of some pics of it and the crossing signal with the full moon. It then headed east, followed by a hi-rail truck and then the other rail grinder, which was met by a westbound intermodal. Another hi-rail truck then headed east as well.
I then caught several other trains from the park before heading home.