FREE Downloadable Issues

Well, I about fell off my chair when I saw this. FREE downloadable issues!

How about that!! Fourth link on the left hand column from the bottom. Sure would be nice to see this in CTT. Why not?

Very best, Mike Spanier

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If you mean list it in the magazine, its a two-rail, not a three rail pub.

If you mean free downloadable issues of CTT … well we’ve got a warehouse full of backissues to sell! [}:)]

Hey Bob,

A blowout sale on those back issues might clear some space in that warehouse. Not saying you should give them away, but a lower price per back issue or package deals might work wonders. Food for thought!


I would be interested in that!!

Hey Yank. For a price, you can get all you want.


Me too. Oh wait, I work here.

Actually, something like that has been suggested to The Powers That Be. So we’ll see what happens.

Maybe Bob can autograph some back issues of CTT & sell them out of the Trunk of his Car at the next York meet in April[;)][:P].

Well Bob, I’ve “one upped” you. Miss Edna at Todd’s Train Depot had a box of old CTT and OGR magazines dropped off at her shop [looks like they were never read]. She has given me all the copies I wanted [may pick up some more]. Started back in 90 and goes through 2004. I got a bunch of them. Real interesting to read the articles before command control and early QSI. The adds and articles for plug in controlers on spring cords. A lot of good building info in those that are still good for today’s layouts. Even got the free bilboards and the removalbe Lionel repair sheets. The prices are funny. For the “top of the line” compared today’s command controls with sounds, not that much increase compared to the advanced technology. Was going to do a spearate thread on these but now it fits here. Boils down to: Lots of good info in those old issues.

That’s great. Chief! I’m fortunate to get the local library to hold MR and Trains for me after they cull out the old issues to recycle. I got a huge box on Wed night. Since I also buy some of these issues, I also use them to give away to interested visitors / kids.

Doug, you are a good guy. Yes, you sent me some good MR back issues. Still go back though them. Thanks

I suggested it a few months back. When I go to train shows, I see CTT back issues bundled up in sets, mostly a year’s worth, selling for $15 -$20. They get snapped up quickly.

There are many ways to move those old issues at a discount, Bob. Package deals would obviously work the best. An entire year’s run could be one package, any 3, 6 or more . . . You get the idea. Be creative. I’ll bet they would sell like hotcakes.

I’m sure all of those back issues have already sold enough to pay for the cost of printing and initial distribution. Selling them at a discounted rate is better than not selling them at all.


Actually, the back issues still sell - especially when someone wants a specific article and not a photo copy. While I built my early collection rooting around in bins at Seattle area train stores and shows, a lot of guys want a specific item and they want it now.

How about offering them on line once the warehouse stocks are exhausted? I think thereis something here…

Very best, Mike

How bout a grab bag of issues??? Pay $15, and get 10 different magazines??? Or something like that???

They’re doing a feature on Norm’s three rail layout. They have also featured other three rail layouts in the past.

Plus great modleing isn’t just limited to two rail.

After reading this topic I went to look at some back issues i have stashed away. Pulled out the 10th anniversary issue from 1997. Wow!. Articles on Lionel, American Flyer, Marx, Bing, 1957 super o showroom layout with a pullout showing the entire layout, and more. If you can get your hands on this one its well worth the effort. November 1997.

Have the “Powers That Be” ever wondered why they have a warehouse full of back issues? [?] Humm, lets see we charge X amount of dollars for HUMM. I guess we’ll have to wait for them to figure it out. [banghead] [2c] As always ENJOY

What about an annual charge? What would be fair? What would you be willing to pay?

Very best, Mike Spanier

To my opinion, giving the magazine’s away by putting them in a free download usually means that the magazine will have to be paid by other sources then the people bying it. In the CTT there also is a lot of advertisement, but it’s train related and interesting. If you start to make it free, you’ll get a magazine full of mortgage and other junk we’re not waiting for.
The crew of CTT makes a nice issue each time, and I’m willing to pay for that. But also I would like to get a whole year from the past for a nice price. (specially the issues from 1995-2000, since that was the time protosound 1 was on the market, and those engines are affordable for me today)

I would rather have the years issues and most importantly back issues and articles available for subscription at say $50 dollers a year. This could be data based rather than trying to remember which year or search hard copys. We are moving towards this anyways and they could be on the cutting edge and save a tree. Any and all feedback is welcome. While it may be a while till we lose hard copies It would save on printing, postage and warehouse/distibution cost.