Hi Kevin, Interesting Topic. Possibly a good, inspiring example of a Free-lance Model RR would be Eric Brooman’s ‘Utah Belt’ HO scale model? There are instances (on another Forum) where subscribers have asked, “where is the prototype UB R/R”, because they can’t find it on Google. Proving it aint what you do, its the way that… but also proof that Freelance MRRs are not to be relegated.
I did consider free-lancing, but the CSS&SB Freight is my first USA MRR and I don’t know enough about the Country let alone its Railroads and how they operate and so chose a prototype.
But had I wanted to freelance, I would have done it. Nothing or nobody would have stopped me. Certainly not Paints or Decals. You get a lot more Modeller’s Licence, for one thing. It might be easier modelling a Free-lance? Hence;
Luckily, I found “Switchline Decals” (online) who produced and mailed to me, the full range of CSS&SB GP38’s. I will use whatever Tamiya ‘near enough’ Orange, that I can get my hands on, here in the UK. That’s after I have stripped the Yellow & Blue Livery from my Santa-Fe GP38’s. Seems a bit like the Free-lancing Obstacle-course of today - I can’t compare with the past?
Of course, I could buy some of Atlas’s recent CSS&SB GP38’s, but I would have to import them, at great expense.
Freight & Passenger Cars, I modify, detail & repaint mostly old (cheap) models/kits from ebay-uk or Model Railway Exhibitions. Again, anything I can get my hands on, that is applicable and/or offers potential.
The standard of modelling in the photos you submit to the community shows me that you have no problem with acheiving good results. It’s not all or just - down to the quality of the Paints & Decals you are using-up, from your old supplies.
Eric Brooman constanly updates his Loco & Stock portfolio and along with the inspiring ‘Utah Belt’, he just gets on with it