Friends, Fun, and Trains!

This last weekend I had the chance to get together with locomotive3 and cnw8835 to run trains on locomotive3’s layout. We had a great time, I got to break in my new P2K CSX GP38-2 and CNW got to show loco3 and I his Kato F40s and Kato Bi-Levels. Those Bi-levels are really neat! Smooth, quiet, have no rolling resistance, the cab car’s headlight comes on in push mode and the maker lights come on in pull mode. They ran smootly through the 22" and 18" curves and didn’t derail once.

The P2K GP38-2 performs nicely as well. It could pull 12 hoppers up a 3 1/2% grade and is surprisingly detailed considering it’s from the older run of the 38-2s. All the number boards light up no matter what direction it’s going. Here’s a shot of it on the grade on locomotive3’s layout.

I think it’s great to get together with other modelers. Even better if they’re from this board (us three were). Anyone else have any experiences to share?

Not yet, but this weekend I am going to a local NMRA meet in Spring Valley IL, then to another N scalers to see his layout, not sure if it will be an operating session, hope so [:)]

As i am into HO and my mates are into the miNor scale we can’t run trains on each others track but it’s still great to go around

I’m close friends with Cheese3. I’ve been over to run trains on his old layout. Nothing of mine has run on his new layout because I moved away from that area. It was fun.[:D] I hope to do it again soon, but I have no idea when it would be probable.

Adam, are you coming to the next S & P open house, Sunday, October 2?[8D]

I am not sure…I will try my best. What are the times? maybe next time you go to the S&P you can take a ride over to my house and see the new layout… I’ll talk to you on IM and set up the specifics.

Coolness, that would be great. I’ll make sure to bring the Mule.[8D]

i wish i had modelers on thsi forum which lived close to me!

I envy you folks that live up in the continental US. I live in the FLorida Keys and as far as I have seen I am the only MRR of any scale within 125 miles. The nearest MRR stronghold would be in Miami. But things are bound to get better my wife and I are moving back to the US mainland somewhere around the first of the year. Can’t wait to just browse around a Hobby shop again. So for you folks that have fellow modelers near by enjoy each others company. This forum is the next best thing to being there!! Without this I would certainly still be a struggling, misguided, misinformed, lonely little modeler.

The only person on this forum of my age who is near me is BMRR

yeah i’m a teen too and i don’t think there’s anyone near me eaither. oh thanks for that link in your sig. i’m going to sighn up as soon as my dad is done using the comp. and i can log in to my account

I would like to meet the Twin City people.

I’ve got two buddies that are into model railroading. One is really into it, and the other is what you would call a true arm chair railroader… Not to be unsociable, but most of the time, I prefer to run my trains and work on my layout when noone else is around. That’s just me. I’ve been that way since I was a little kid.
