I have bought several FSM kits from Ebay. I, like others paid big $$$ for them. If I am not mistaken it seems like some people hord them when George gets out the kits and sells them way above mark-up. Anyhow how do you know when a new kit is ready to be realised? Can you call and find out. Can you send him the check before the kits hit the streets? The kit I am after the most is
You probably have to check his web site http://www.finescaleminiatures.com/ regularly. I don’t think he advertises anymore and his kits usually sell out before they are made.
FSM puts out one kit per year every year for Christmas. FSM places one ad in RMC’s December issue. His kit for this year is ready for sale. Visit the website and give FSM a call. Maybe you can get this year’s kit and trade it for Emprioum.
I used to buy the FSM kits when they came out but, as you’ve noticed, they’ve gotten a lot harder to pick up. I think the last one I managed to buy direct from George was Stuffy’s Brewery. I guess people are snapping them up as an soon as they come out for investment purposes these days. It’s kind of a shame but I guess they have that right. The stash I did manage to accumulate will keep me quite busy (and happy) well into retirement. They’re great kits but the demand does seem to have affected the price and availability.
I have gotten FSM’s kit for the last 8 years in a row. The key is to buy it as soon as they are ready for sale. This is usually around the first of November.
Many years ago I wanted to buy Duffy’s Coal Yard and sat around waiting. When I called to buy one I was told that it sold out in 2 weeks!
If you want an FSM kit, have your money ready and call somtime in October. I read in other forums that this year’s kit is already 75% sold out and the ad for it has not even come out yet. I imagine that many that got left out in the past have learned their lesson well.
Good luck to any of you wanting to snatch up this year’s kit. If you wait too long you’ll be having to bid for it on eBay.
Also check at train shows for them. I was at the last scale show in Timonium and say a vendors table with several FSM kits. Lots of folks buy them, then for whatever reason, don’t build them and they reappear on the market!
While I admit that FSM kits are really nice, I am releived I do not have to worry about getting them, as none of them ever have seemed to fit into what I model. If my model railroad ever makes it to new england, then it might be a different story.
[http://fsmkits.com/There is a website: which offers FSM kits. They have the kit you want but instead of a price it says ‘e-mail me’.[:0] Could be scarey, I wouldn’t count on any smokin’ deal but at least they do have it.
As one might anticipate, variations on this thread have appeared on Yahoo’s FSM site from time to time. As I recall, at one point it was posted that George, himself, was of the impression that more than 50% of all his kits are purchased for speculation purposes, with only a small percentage ever actually being built and placed on layouts, even by active hobbyists. There are also a surprising number of individuals out there that collect unbuilt FSM kits strictly on a collector’s basis, desiring to have an example of every one that has ever been issued.