Fuel Storage Facility

I am scratch modeling a large HO fuel storage facility and need some help in the way of photos or sites to help with some of the details, such as piping, valves, walkways, ladders, and of course any input that you guys deem helpful.
Thanks …[8D][:D]

Here are a couple of pictures of fueling facilities available from Walthers.


Perhaps not what you are looking for, but there are some good photos and information on the petroleum industry in the following book. http://store.yahoo.net/kalmbachcatalog/12256.html

Not sure ahat detail you can get, but try this for overall layout:

When I planned the NASTY Chemical Company, I checked out every book on petroleum and chemical plants from three libraries. There were plenty of pictures to see. I also visited a chemical plant. I was told by two different people in the business, just run the pipes everywhere from building to building and tank to tank and tank to building and from tanks to unloading ramps. No one will know the difference!!

If some rivet counter that DOES know the difference shows up, plead ignorance and pump him/her for information!


Thanks for the advice. I have done that in other areas, but not with the chemical plant as no rivet counters have shown up.