Mmmmm which one better FVM or Kato ?

Kato enjoys a reputation of building good quality locos with a sufficient level of detail, given the small scale. Fox Valley Models seems to be on the same level.

The best way to tell is to go to your local hobby shop and have a look and maybe test run either one.

The Fox model will have etched-metal parts and no moulded on grab irons. The Kato has moulded on everything and no etched metal parts.

The Drives are pretty much on par.

David B

Mmmm Very interested I look out FVM’s website information about GE ES44AC but I don’t know how many can pull frieght cars and what miminium radius for FVM ES44AC

Kato ES44AC similar C9-44CW-AC4400CW same miminium radius if am i right or wrong find out