FYI: Utah State Quarter

Yesterday, at the commemoration of the driving of the Gold Spike, the Governer of Utah announced that the Utah State Quarter will be the “Crossroads of the West” Golden Spike quarter. They will start minting it in January but isn’t supposed to be released until October of 2007. According to a local news report, 52% of the vote was for the trains. Thanks to all of you that voted and thanks to all of you that voted for the Golden Spike.

Incidently, after the ceremony was over and they were beginning to return the locomotives to their engine house, one of the engineers forgot to put Jupiter in reverse and instead bumped into 119. There were no injuries and only minor damage to both locomotives but it is quite embarrassing.

Thanks again for your vote.

(Utah resident)

Did anyone put other state quarters on the track for the trains to squish?

  1. You’re Welcome! 2) You’re Welcome! 3) You’re Welcome!..5265)You’re Welcome!