G Scale Ore cars with Automatic Dumping - HELP!

I am hoping that someone can help me brainstorm on a way to design a setup for the Ore Cars on my G Scale system to dump on command. I am currently running Ore Cars from Hartland Products and would like to come up with a way, either electrical or mechanical, to get the cars to dump their loads when they reach a certain location.

Is anyone aware of a G Scale manufacturer that either makes Ore cars that automatically dump, or that makes products that would activate them to dump?


You would have to modify your cars, but check out how Carl Arendt does it on his Squarefoot Railway using Gn15:


Bill C.
South Jersey

Sorry Chestnut226,

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[#welcome] Mglasgow
One thing is a motor like MTH has on there 2 cars they make.
Hate to buy one and pop it open to see inside, besides there are smaller motors that can handle this operation. I just have not looked one up.