G scale roadbed

I have been looking for the best roadbed solution for the past week. I saw a gentleman used ceiling tile on his O scale and thought that might be my best bet. I use cork on my HO layout but I believe it would need to be 1/2" thick if my math is right to raise the G scale track to the “correct” height I want.

The question then is: does anyone know (and/or use) cork for their G scale layout? I’m indoors!!! What should I use?

I thought of: factory made ( very expensive, custom ordered?), cork (expensive? hard to bend?), dow board foam (also $ and strength?), carpet underlayment (cheap,too mushy?), ceiling tile/homasote ( cheaper but dust/mold issues?), cement or hardiboard ($ and hard to work?), or just a 1/2" layer of plywood beveled at angles?

The answer to all your questions is yes.

There is not now, nor will there ever be a “best” roadbed solution. I have used a mix of several methods on the same length of track to cover different situations. Any of the materials you mentioned will work very well to the limit of it’s ability. The deciding factor more often that not is cost, if you can get 200 1/2" thick ceiling tiles for free, or 200ft of 1/2" thick cork for $100, what would you do?