I was wondering if anyone can give me any info concerning this years Railroad Days at Galesburg Il. I can’t seem to find any info at all.
Thank You
I was wondering if anyone can give me any info concerning this years Railroad Days at Galesburg Il. I can’t seem to find any info at all.
Thank You
Hi, I live right near Galesburg. I don’t know what’s up with the RR Days this year, though I expect to see some advertisements in Trains Mag.
Sorry I couldn’t help more!
The Chicago Tribune Travel Section had a pretty good writeup on April 22nd. Covered all kinds of midwest railroad festivals. Dates for Galesburg are June 23rd to 24th. Bnsf will be displaying equipment at the
Amtrak depot including a rotary plow and track maintenance equipment. Bnsf will also be offering free rail excursion tours of their Galesburg yards. Information number is 309-343-2485or www.visitgalesburg.com.
Hope this helps.
Just a line to say Thanks for the replies, I got the info I needed.
Thank You,