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“Gangnam Style” Amtrak video hits the Internet
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“Gangnam Style” Amtrak video hits the Internet
That was so cool! You have got to see this video. If you are from Chicago, don’t miss it.
What would Roy Thorsen, Canadian harmonica playing minor country music star/retired CPR Conductor think?
Watching it, I feel old and out of touch with pop culture. But if it brings students onto the trains, that’s all good.
I mean hopefully this will result in higher ridership but this song and the original song are just plain dumb. If I hear it on the radio, I switch channels
Amtrak should make this into a commercial.
At over a billion views and still counting, the original is YouTube’s most-watched video ever. Thanks for one of many parodies.
that was fun! got to take a mini tour of the city too!
This is an outstanding piece of work!
This is very cute, great good fun, and what a refreshing sight that Amtrak is speaking to the young riders as well as us old coots. Two thumbs up.
Great video! I am from Texas and have been to Chicago with my wife several times on Amtrak. I am ready to go again! What a great idea and what fun! My hats off to the Michigan DOT, the City of Chicago, and Amtrak. I think Marcus Shields is a better dancer than PSY! Last week the video had 25,000 hits. Now it has 41,000 hits! One billion, here we come!
Love it, Love it, Looooooved it! Amtrak should make it into a commerical!
Love it, Love it, Loooooved it! It should be made into commerical.
After you watch the video, see the reply there with a URL to a another site where you can sign a petition urging Amtrak to let students and others bring their bikes aboard Chicago-Michigan trains. It’s popular in Oregon, California, and all across Europe. Hey, if you can take your gun aboard, why not your bike?
This is just plain stupid. Amtrak sould not associate itself with such trash. If you don’t know it is Chicago Union Station, the only connection to a train is the opening shot and the partial interior shot of the cafe’ car. I say dump it.
Being raised in Michigan, I enjoyed the video. Us older persons should make an effort to connect with younger people and commend them when doing the right things to make this world a better place to live in. I look forward to increased train service to where I grew up in Ann Arbor.
Will not play on mobile devices
Absolutely disgusting. Amtrak should allow no such nonsense aboard any of it’s otherwise professional trains, especially when dealing with that PSY idiot. Not many people know that he wrote a song about torturing, raping, and murdering Americans not too long ago. And where is he now? Performing at the White House. Influencing the actions of a Government run company. Brilliant job, this is sabotage at it’s most indiscreet form.
Great promotion. Great energy. Fun to watch. Hopefully Michigan DOT can do a follow-up evaluation to see if it had a positive impact on student train travel.