Garden railroad, take 2

I am running every engine and car. Only a couple of tracking problems to correct.

Head to the barn, and call it a day…

Cool! Do I understand that the loco is a ‘bash of a B’mann 10-wheeler and the LGB porter? Neat! Also, I like the paint scheme on your coaches. That is something our clan is still arguing about - what are the Triple O’s colors and symbols? Keep the photos comin’! Eric

Thank you,Eric !

Yes, the Lehman Porter stripped it’s gears. I’ve had this unfortunate experience about 7 times over the years. Usually I just take bits and pieces, and make another engine out of parts. The cab went to an Orenstein and Koppel industrial engine, which in turn also received a 10 wheeler pilot, and a Spectrum Mogul diamond stack. So, I just keep stirring the pot… My roster is constantly changing, and evolving.

As an aside, I am maxed out at Shutterfly, can not open any more share sites to up load photos. My only option is to send low resolution photos to the cloud. What share site do you use, or might recommend ?


Paul, I switched over to my OneDrive with my Microsoft account. I understand that Google has a similar feature if you get an account with them. “Chocho Willy” of this site has guided us into the world of seeing treasure in “trash.” It is really amazing home much garden railroading stuff is out there…if you keep open eyes and open mind! ERic

Thank you very much !

I’ll give a new share site a try. I filled up my Shutterfly account, and can’t upload any more.

We are having a houseful this weekend, and I probably won’t get to work on the railroad. I never plan anything layout wise, and make it up as I go along. There is no " Masterplan " !

When I make some headway, I’ll share a few pictures.

Have a great Thanksgiving!


…and Happy Thanksgiving you, as well!

Thank you ! I will try that. Someone on the CTT forum recommended " Tiny Pix", but I found out they have shut down, from the note on their site.

Now, mostly planning my next step for the railroad. A lot of great ideas floating around in my mind. Hope to have something to show when the rain stops, and the holidays have settled down…

Thanks again,


Wanted to see how the buildings will look on the railroad

The detail level of the bird houses is equivalent to my home made structures

Smooth Operator…Sade, and my Forney !

I’m happy with the bird houses. Plus, it saves me from having to build them.

Looking good

Wish I could find those birdhouses locally!

They’re great !!

it’s Ace hardware, maybe try online ?

they’re just about the right size for our needs . And reasonably priced.
