This is Capt Carrales, your Air Raid Warden!
Please gather here!!!
This is not the beginning of the end, it is merely the end of the Beginning!!! Stand fast to your forums!!!
This is Capt Carrales, your Air Raid Warden!
Please gather here!!!
This is not the beginning of the end, it is merely the end of the Beginning!!! Stand fast to your forums!!!
Hurricane Rita Comes and Goes
N&MRR President Scorned for Actions
By Richard “Scoop” Carails- Two Trees Times
N&MRR track crews applying ballast and preparing the line in the cut
Two Trees, Texas- N&MRR track crews headed out to the Cut Wednesday and Thursday to make prepartations for the proposed onslaught of Hurricane Rita which for a while had registered as the 3rd most powerful storm in the recorded history of the Texas Gulf Coast.
In all Locomotive #12, the City of Two Trees, made six trips from Two Trees, Texas to the Cut with ballast and train crews.
“We were expecting extremely destructive forces,” said N&MRR President Carrales, “thus we took steps to prepare the line for high waters and slides.”
Two recently acquired ballast cars from the Sow’s Ear Locomotive and Car Works took a great amount of ballast that had been ear marked for Poor Vic’s Curve. This action has drawn critial remarks from Carrales’ detractors.
“Yet another outrageous show of stupidity by Capt Carrales,” fumed Sampson Betts of the prestigous Two Trees’ Betts family, “this action has been way out of line. Using materials earmarked for the repairs and upgrade of the curve is mismanagement plain and simple.”
But not everyone is so hostile to Carrales actions. Victor Creer Betts, of the lesser prestigous Two Trees’ Betts family had this to say…
“The quick repairs to the Cut will insure that that area will be a viable section of the line for years to come. The track had been shifting a bit but now is quite solid.”
Carrales and Treasurer E.N Velopes announced that construction on Poor Vic’s Curve would go ahead as planned.
Checking in , Capt C, Thanks for holding down the fort, I’m not posting anything for now as I’m still a bit P.O.d that our forum got mixed into a MR forum problem.
Hoping for the best, Vic[;)]
I’ve seen trolls and spammers before (I read USENET). They don’t care about where they post to do their damage, they just do it and sometimes come back to see the mayhem they’ve caused. You’ve probably noticed how easy it is to get to other sections by now, so that’s why they shut down as much as they did. Hopefully by Monday it will be back to normal.
No reason to be P.O.d! Just wait and see how things are beings sorted out.
Since this happened late Friday afternoon, I can easily understand why things would get locked. I would do the same!
Why should the mods and admin have to work extra hours to do damage control?
This gives everyone 48+ hours to think about some of the “interesting stuff” that’s going on - and I’m not talking about “Coffee-Shop” threads!
I can’t believe we got sucked into this mess, there wasn’t even a coffee shop thread going at the moment[:p]. I honestly did enjoy MLS’S that gave us such high compliments on our exemplary behavior[:)]. If the situation doesn’t render us good results I’ll just stay at MLS and won’t be back.
The poor spelling
Surely you aren’t hanging this on the members on the MR forum. These little dweebs must have a Bent Louie for anything that requires a skill beyond typing and repeating what they hear on MTV.
NO, not with any regulars on the MR forum, its just that I am unaware of any visits to the GR forums from the particular nasty little troll that brought down the MR forum. Like others have pointed out that this, Classic Trains, and the Trains maganize forum are all uneffected so I was a bit peturbed wondering why the GR and CCT forums were also affected, did the trollspread out after pooping all over the MR forum? I dunno? And the lack of ANY later feedback from Klambake is what I really find disturbing.[%-)]
That is all…
Thanks for brining up the forums again…
Capt Carrales
Hey Guys,
I was out of town for several days and apparently missed out on whatever went on, can anyone enlighten me?
All I’ve found is something “interesting”, no discussion of what happened; kinda like being told something is porno but never knowing what porno is. Catch 22?
Boy, take a day to work in the barn and take mom shopping and you miss out on all the excitement!
I hear you Capt Bob, I was working the RR, the house and other important “home” issues and not looking in the forums, guess we really didn’t miss anything important anyway.
Nasty troll on the Model railroader forum spread so much vile that three forums MR, CCT and GR were locked down till Monday morning. Hopefully the vile little monster was blocked out right down to his ISP and is gone forever. I think Klambake needs to rethink its regristration policy, ya’know like only allowing one registration per ISP address, so multiple registration cannot take place.
Before it happens again read In Case of Troll Break Glass.
While I am very much against legislating aginst the many to get at the few, I am also of the opinion that not allowing the use of handles could prove helpful. Using proper names could be an answer to multiple memberships within a family that share a computer such as a husband - wife, or parent - child relationship as opposed to a given person having 6 or more egos all signed up on the same forum.
Seems to me that restricting membership to one name per computer or address does penalize the legitimate people. My 15 year old grandson often checks these fora when he’s over here (and not running trains).
I think the ultimate answer is to let the moderators and administrators do thier jobs, after all, that’s what they’re there for!
I was wondering what that was about.
While I am very much against legislating aginst the many to get at the few, I am also of the opinion that not allowing the use of handles could prove helpful.
That’s actually a bad idea. As more employers are getting web savvy, the use of your real name on forums may cost you a job. A poster over on the Trains Magazine forum used his real name, and one day deleted the content of most those posts. The explanation I got was that his new job may look badly upon the sharing of information that occurred.
Also, read this article:
There are more, better ways, to help control trolls, but they’re usually designed to allow humans to join and machines not to.