Gargraves switch ? #2

You’ve all given me good input! It seems Ross switches are not too good with my Pre-war stuff which is most of what I run. The Ross FAQ mentions it also.

Have any of you used Gargraves switches with Pre-war trains? Am I limited to using Lionel switches with my Gargraves track? That is doable but not very attractive.

Depends on the wheel flange size and the shoe that sticks down if it has electro-magnetic couplers.

I have not tried running any pre war stuff on Gargraves track as yet but may try over the weekend to see what happens.

Lee F.

As I said in the other thread, try Atlas ‘O’, or something else (Lionel Realtrax?), but not gGargaraves, for Prewar.


Lionel makes Fastrac, MTH makes Realtrax, and they they are two seperate companies.

Lee F.

Yeah, thanks phillyreading, I know they are different, I just got the names mixed up.

From threads I’ve read, Lionel Fastrac sounds like it may have some good points, particularly for temporary layouts. I have not however looked at their switches physically or the breadth of their switch catalogue.

Regarding your earlier recommendation to modify the Gargraves frog: I’ve also thought about that, but I suspect the prewar may still derail. I GUESS THERE ARE NOT MANY PREWAR LIONEL ‘O’ GUAGE OPERATORS, OR I WOULD HAVE HAD MORE FEEDBACK!


Why not use good old O-27 for the prewar trains? You can add ties to make it look more realistic. Check out Tom P (Spankybird) pictures in past Sunday Photo Threads for ideas?

The main thing about Fastrac is that you are limited to certain curve sizes & this is especially true in the switches. Fastrac starts at 36 inch radius, other fact about Fastrac is that it must be bougt ‘pre-made’, NO custom fitting like tubular track.

Lee F.

Thanks one and all for the input. After reading all the posts and consulting Gargraves and Ross FAQs I am going to try a combination of ideas. I will incorporate some older lionel switches of the mechanical kind (On hand). I have a couple of gargraves switches coming to try. If they give problems, as indicated. I will use them on a loop that is dedicated to the modern. larger trains I currently have. When this is all worked out. I will post the results.

I’m using a postwar 2026 steamer with gargraves track and O-42 switches. No problems so far.

That is why the club layout has only one folded dogbone with Atlas steel track and No switches/turnouts at all. Between the shoe and traction issues with the other lines this seemed to be the best alternative.

Most of my post war and modern trains go through the Gargraves switches without any problems, sometimes there is an alignment problem if you use a Gargraves switch too close to adapter pins to switch from 027 or O gauge track. Also I am running Williams locomotives and like them better than most other brands.

I got tired of the Lionel 6-23010 & 23011 switches acting up so I replaced them with gargraves, another nice feature about Gargraves switches is that when a switch motor goes bad I don’t have to rip up my track like I would if it were a Lionel or MTH switch.

Lee F.

I’M using DZ-1000 switch motors and the only thing I don’t like about them is the control buttons look kind of cheap for twenty bucks a pop. I would like to use the LIONEL controllers with them but I don’t think they will work. But you are right in thet they are a breeze to change out.

I’ve thought about ditching my switches except in the yard area & have 3-4 loops & just let the trains run & run.

If you wire the Lionel O gauge switch controllers like the Gargraves switch buttons you should be good. Don’t use 027 controllers as they have no light.

Lee F.

It works great for the pre-war and some of the postwar as well as some of the newer stuff that only comes with magnetraction and not traction tires. However the only drawback is after a bit of running is having to physically pull off locos/cars to replace with fresh locos and cars.

The DZ switch controllers are a small micro-switch button. I’m not an expert but I think it gives just an impulse of power to the solinoid. When you throw a lionel switch lever does the power stay on? I worry about burning out the DZ solinoid.

Lionel 022 turnouts (not the controller) disconnect the solenoid after the turnout is thrown. Lionel 1122 and 5122 turnouts do not disconnect.

If you are worried about burning out the solenoids get some momentary contact switches from Radio Shack or elsewhere, won’t be the same style as Lionel or DZ Industry controlls and may have to panel mount on a sheet of plywood.

Guess I forgot that Lionel controlls don’t disconnect power to the switch.

Lee F.

I should clarify that the Lionel controllers are all momentary switches; so, if you don’t hold the lever, they do shut off. But you can burn out the solenoid by holding the lever with an 1122 or 5122 turnout. The 022 is bulletproof, however.

Although I really like the retro look of the fastrack switch controllers I can live with the DZ button. Not that big of a deal to me. I plan on going to TMCC at a future date anyways. Thanks for the info.