Gauge one "Project" engine under steam on the rollers

Here is my newest aquisition off a friend. A troubled G1MRA “Project” engine that has struggled with raising steam to timing issues with the valve. I have fixed the timing issue enough for it to run, gave the model a respray into Somerset & Dorset Joint Railway blue with decals from the UK once they come off holiday. This is an alcohol fired model, so a bit more techinical to run over a butane gas fired model. Enjoy! Mikie

Awesome! It is very satisfying to see a problem become a joy!

Its still a thorn in my behind, but its definatly starting to put more smiles on my face and less frustration. I only feel bad for the member of our club that originaly bought this from a builder in the UK that sold this as a running model. He will be all smiles when Covid restrictions ease and our group can meet again and run steam. Mike

We have a B’mann railtruck that, like your friend’s model, was a lemon out of the box. The ’ truck was new from the dealer, too! It has been an intermittently functioing thorn in my side mocking me from the shelf for several years. I’m workig with a hobbysit “pen pal” to engineer a non-Bachmann based engineering solution to bring this phyically charming model into operation. Then maybe this thing wil bring more smiles than anguish, too!
