General Electric drops 'a shoe' -New Loco Plant-

Reading in Railway Gazette today [13 May 2011]

linked at:

“GE Transportation announces Texas locomotive factory”

FTA: “…GE Chairman & CEO Jeffrey Immelt. ‘This new state-of-the-art plant in Fort Worth, Texas will produce the world’s most advanced locomotives and transportation products, expand our service and repair capability, and create hundreds of new high-tech manufacturing jobs’…”

(as an aside) Texas is a ‘Right to Work’ State; is GE about to sail into the same stom as Boeing has in South Carolina?
Of course Jeffery Immelt is in tight with the Administration in D.C. Wonder if this announced plant will go the way of their previously announced move of manufacturing to a plant in Mass?
From GE Transportation website of May 12,2011; a similar announcement.

linked @

This should be an interesting watch for a few days(?)

Edit: (Title) Thanks!Murphy S. In this day and time the Government is in to so much stuff, so deep; It’s hard to tell who’s doing what to whom.[:-,] I guess I plead guilty, Sorry,'bout that mistake!
[[X-)]Can’t see out of one eye and the other is not muc

What has General Motors got to do with this? (thread title)

GE / GM tomato / tomoto [:-^]

Why did General Motors drop a shoe on GE Transportation?

Now, the title’s fixed!!!

I wonder if our “great” state of Illinois was even considered for a location, given our “tax em” to death business strategy.

Sorry, Y’all! For the Title screw up!## Got OP title fixed now. [bow]Altafest wrote the following post on Friday, May 13, 2011

“…I wonder if our “great” state of Illinois was even considered for a location, given our “tax em” to death business strategy…”

My guess is that this may cause a little’“dust-Up” around the Democrat 'pols in D.C.

Why would it bother the Democrats in DC?

The action filed in SC against Boeing was filed by the union, not by the Democrats.

This thread is just going to turn into a political food fight. It should be locked.

/bangs head against keyboard.

If we are going to lock every thread that can turn into something else, we might as well lock the whole board.

Remember what happened to the last guy who suggested that a thread should be locked on this forum?

Is he in a white boxcar now?

Well if my comment about Illinois was taken as a political statement I apologize. Was not meant to be, but rather looking at it from a jobs point of view as well as the industry I work in.

It was not your observation about the taxes in Illinois. That may very well have been a factor in their decision. It was the cheap shot at the Democrats.

Back on track; I suspect that the Illinois tax structure was not as big a factor as: “the Texas Enterprise Fund will provide up to $4·2m in incentives.”

Sayonara, Erie!!

From the above article:

“On May 12 GE also announced it intention to take on an extra 250 workers at its Erie, Pennsylvania, plant.”

EMD is planning on opening up a new facility in Muncie indiana. I’m glad to see demand going up for locomotives. Hopfully a good sign from our economey. [Y]


The interesting thing about this development is, that GE has vacant industrial property ALL OVER AMERICA. Yet they are enticed into a new location. What does THAT tell ya?

Financial inducements from Texas…Corporate bribery…done all the time in the name of economic development.

A $4.2 million incentive doesn’t hurt, but it sounds like peanuts against the cost of building a new locomotive plant. That’s a lot of money to me (ha!), but not much to the likes of the General Electric Co. There are much bigger factors in this decision.

It’ll be interesting to see how this plays out.

Nah. He’s in FDR’s old PV parked by the track level entrance to the Waldorf-Astoria. Either that, or he got on the MTA without the fare to get off…