I have been searching for info on a particular railroad bridge in Grand Rapids, Michigan that I have been wanting to scratch build for sometime. I work in construction so I know that the local building department should have record of this particular bridge. However, is there a better resource for obtaining drawings of prototype structures or equipment? Would contacting, in this case, CSX be a better way to go?
Also I am looking for more detailed information about CSX’s mainline between Chicago and Detroit. In particular survey type drawings of their yards. I have looked at topo maps but they provide little detailed information.
Well if u have no luck at the building department u should do what i have always done. try to take as many pictures of it as u can and build it from that. i made the ohio river bridge which was very huge and i made it from pictures and i was impressed with it.
Thanks for your idea. Just to let you know, I contacted the Roads Commision and the guy I contacted has drawings and actually provided oversight for the county on that particular bridge.
These days the railroads would probably be a bit leary about handing out engineering info on a bridge – fear of terrorism. Sounds like a local source is more likely to understand who you are and what you want
Dave Nelson