GERN Industries

calling doctorwayne…

I have been enjoying the posts on here and elsewhere about GERN flux. That said I cannot find anywhere anyone has put together a central repository, website, or not even a facebook page for GERN. Does any of that exist? All I find are varied forum posts. It would certianly be handy to have an online place for others to find information and learn about GERN and start their own franchise. This could go a long way to keeping Mr Gibson happy and may even create many more GERN affilaites.

Has doctorwayne ever considered imortailizing the GERN registry and company advertisements online? Or am I just not finding such?

EDITED: I have found a lot of info about GERN but it was so widespread that it took a fair amount of reading to collect enough info to understand its a little bigger than a single whimsical factory on one mans layout. Its a small community that I thought might have a central location to find more info, but all I could find through Google was the same forum posts. That is why I asked, and I have now asked the questions elsewhere also. I suppose not that big a deal, just thought it was a big enough thing that it could use its own separate page of information rather than dozens and dozens of random forum posts. I will update if I collect more info.

All things GERN are on the Big Blue Railroad Forums.


Yes I found a lot there, but its such a mess to sift through unless I am missing something? I tried searching and just got 25 pages of random threads. Thats why I was wondering if it was ever organized in a rational manner anywhere else.

I think maybe one of the problems is the loss of photobucket. As I read about things describing a picture in a post and nowadays the “no image” icon shows up on about 80% of old pictures on this forum and others, I kind of gloss over the post because many times it loses most of its meaning without the images. A “how to” without the pics is almost useless now. At least most of doctorwaynes images still exist, but many ot the other modellers do not. And maybe that is why I am looking for a place where all of GERN is stored and backed up and not lost to the whim of the internet. Maybe such a place does not exist.

GERN Industries is well worth a “site” of its own with the efforts doctorwayne and his brother has put into the “Company” over the years, though while it is pure speculation on my part, such an endeavour on their part may become a chore, instead of well thought out fun.

Yes, Photobucketitus has ruined a lot of good stuff on various forums, but here are two GERN cars that doctorwayne has kindly issued me reporting marks for.

on Flickr
on Flickr

Far exceeds 3% more modelling fun!!![:D]

Cheers, the Bear.[:)]

How about a Facebok page.Make it private and then you/we could control what is put there.There is some very nice modeling going on with the Gern folks.from rolling stock to processing facilities to distribitors

Probably the best thread about GERN on the Big Blue board is the one about GERN on my layout which is sort of the primer on joining the fun that is the huge GERN conglomerate.

A dedicated web site would be neat, if anyone actually has the time, but there’s one problem, there actually is a real GERN - Geron Pharmaceuticals. Someone registered with 1and1 though, so I doubt that’s the pharma company. Hmm, some other project you’re not telling us about, Doc?


When I get some free time (busy painting steam locomotives - ten brass ones at the moment) I’ll get GERN tidied-up and all in one place.

For GERN modellers who wish to post photos in the GERN rolling stock thread and are Members at bigblue can do so by re-sizing your photos and adding them as attachments. If I recall correctly (good luck with that one) the maximum file size is 250kb per photo. It sounds small, but the pictures display nicely.

If you’re working on a Windows machine, there are free Power Toys available for easy re-sizing of photos, either singly or as blocks.


Hey, Wayne, how would you like to paint an 11th loco, a plastic undecorated Atlas RS-1 in need of a CNW Green paint job???


Maybe, when I get to the five plastic steam locomotives that require extensive detailing to match specific prototypes, and the two cast metal ones needing modifications and new paint.

Do I hafta use a spray can?


New facebook page:

The new domain will be up and running at the most basic level in a few days to a week or so. I can point it to your threads or help set up a website if you are interested.

I’ve already signed on.[tup] [:D] [tup]