I’m sorry if this is a old question but I need to know how to pick up power from the track to some rolling stock. I have metal wheels but don’t know how to go about wiring it so the wires rub on the inside of the wheels and still have as little drag as possible. I know about the LGB wheel sets with the pick ups on them but all the ones I’ve seen are to tall and anyway I would like to do it myself.
I’ve glued or screwed a piece of copper clad electronics project board to the stretcher of the bogie. Next I soldered on some brass wire and then bent it until it lightly rubs on the back of the metal tyre.
I bend the end rubbing on the wheel into a curve so no sharp end is in contact with the wheel which would wear away the tyre more quickly.
Remember to cut the copper surface so it doesn’t short across the wheels, then use thin wire which won’t restrict the bogie swing and drill a small hole up into the body for the wiring.
I use the LGB ball bearing wheel sets with the power pick ups and the result is just perfect. I use it for internal lighting and to drive a sound unit as well. The ball bearings really make the drag on your rolling stock reduce out of sight.