I have a 4x6 layout DCC wired. Just the bench work, flat foam board glued atop, roadbed and track nailed down, caboose throws. I would keep my NCE Cab and my locomotive. Is it possible to sell something like this? Any advice would help.
It’s Xmas time, so anything is possible. Some one may be looking for something like this to get a start on a layout. But it can be a hit or miss thing, the track plan, workmanship, and appearance are all factors that need to line up to attract someone to it.
But if it’s not soldby then, might as well salvage what you can and move on.
BTW, if you do advertize it, then you should list the scale, as that makes a big difference in whether someone is interested or not.
Yes you can sell it. I bought my partially finished layout off Facebook Marketplace. You can advertise it there if you do FB or on Craigslist for your area. Might help someone get a good start in the hobby or a Christmas present. This is the best time of year to sell it
OR, consider donating it and take a tax deduction.
A reminder that all forum threads are NOT to be used to “facilitate” the sale of or advertisement for the sale of items, as outlined in the following excerpt from our forum policy**:**
[2c][tdn] No selling or advertising. That means no links or references of any kind to items or services for sale or auction. No promoting events, fund-raisers, contests, websites, Facebook groups, or other Forums, either.
While the query by the OP is a reasonable request, it has the “potential” to quickly cross the line to direct inquires about price, which has already happened this morning from one of our younger forum members.
Please keep any and all general comments focused upon the OP’s original request about the viability of selling a partially-built layout. Any direct inquires should be done via PM.
Thank you for your cooperation in the matter.
Good morning!
As the OP mentioned he was keeping the DCC controls, I “assume” he is not intending to leave the hobby. If that is the case, I suggest recovering the trackage, and - if there is no use for the board itself - trash the rest.
Of course if you know someone that might want the board / track, then I would just give it to them.
For what its worth…
I wouldn’t be surprised if there was a nearby elementary school that would be glad to see a donated layout. If the DCC power supply is pulled (and why not?), perhaps adding an old-style DC supply and a low cost “train set” might make some kids happy.
Perhaps a call to the principal?
Years ago, I went to the classroom of my now aged grandson, and helped re-assemble their HO layout. One or two kids were especially interested. I left behind a Walthers catalog, for various reasons.
great suggestion! I have a DC train and power pack too