Getting under the hood

[?] Guys:
What is the proper way to remove the shell on the new Atlas dash 8-40-C locomotives, The paper work doesn"t explain the disassembly procedure, and I don"t want to risk breaking something until I know the proper disassembly technique, Many thanks in advance for the help, take care.


well according to atlas tech support…if you look just behind the inside driver you will see the lil finger tab…using a small headed flat screwdriver…gently pu***he tab inward while applyin a slight downward pressure of the shell…repeat with all 4 tabs…i know i had the same problem and thats the answer…any problems just email me at

If you are skillful, you can use two jeweler’s screwdrivers to do two tabs on the same end at the same time. A club member had the same problem with his Atlas Trainmasters.