Is the prime mover in the GEVO locomotives a 12 Cylinder version of the Deutz used in the AC6000 or is it a new version of the old 7FDL, or new design entirely? Thanks in advance.
New design loosely based on the HDL.
Just yesterday I ran across an interesting tidbit from the folks at GE about how they are modernizing the works of Soviet-era diesels:]
they said “Soviet-era” in quotes but I’m not sure any irony was intended. Literal “Soviet Era” would be 1917 to 1990 or -91 but I guess it’s possible that a locomotive works founded under Communism might continue to produce at least a few more units after the Fall.
I got it by going to; Investors; Annual Reports (2007); download (.pdf); use search function for “Locomotive.” If you’d rather not call up or download a big .pdf document (A.R. alone has over 100 pages), you could probably use a general search function within GE.
And – gotta love this – GE managed to tie the refurbishment (if that’s the word) into the corporater concern for the environment. I’m sure they’re right, but who would have thought of this angle even a couple of years ago? The exteriors, which do indeed date from many years ago, have a kind of 1960s SNCF “zigzag” look with upfront cab.
I’ll start another thread if you like, but while we’re at it how did European motive power get (or keep) that flattish or zig-zag front with cab up front, unlike the nose of the typical N.Am/Australian/etc cab?
This is from
Russian-Built Locomotive Modernizations
A locomotive modernization kit is essentially a “heart transplant” for a locomotive.
Modernization is a compelling alternative for upgrading existing fleets when faced with higher fuel pri