GG-1 acquired by Michigan museum, anyone have info?

Any new updates on the progress of the GG-1? I thought it would be here by now, but friends at the village said they haven’t seen it.

I don’t see any updates on this topic since…well a long time. Does anyone know where the GG-1 is? Did it ever make it from Cooperstown NY to Dearborn Michigan to the Henry Ford Museum?

I’m still keeping my eye on this thread!!! lol

I emailed the museum and this was their answer:

Thank you for your inquiry into the collections of The Henry Ford. On behalf of the Benson Ford Research Center we are happy to assist you with your request.

The 1941 GG1 Electric Locomotive is part of The Henry Ford transportation collection. Presently, the locomotive is not housed on the property of The Henry Ford. There is no schedule set for restoration completion or its arrival at this time.

Thanks again for your inquiry and please let us know if we can be of any further assistance.

I am not a PRR afficianado, but I must admit the GG1s looked elegant in “Brunswick Green”, with the five pinstripes. Of course, they were just New Haven EP-3s with a different carbody! Har!!! It doesn’t belong in Michigan (sorry, Henry), no more than the UP “Big Boy” belongs in Steamtown. If it is just to be “stuffed-and-mounted”, how about displaying it in front of the new Farley/Moynahan (after the Irish up-rising in NYC settles the name. The 'Hatfield-McCoy" fued will be relegated to the back burner) Amtrak station in NYC? It could be put on a pedestal, surrounded by a “tagger-proof fence”, have roaming Rotweilers therein, and lighted 24/7. Cool, methinks, and more jobs for the guys manipulating the “Super-Dooper Pooper-Scoopers”.
