Ghost Roundhouse

Here’s a good article to answer that question - The story of UP’s Shay locomotives, and the LA&SL Tintic Subdivision where they worked.


I was looking around and noticed that some turntables are still around but the roundhouses aren’t. Do you know if they still use the turntable but why would they rip down the roundhouse.

Here’s a few examples:

Bakersfield, CA.

Helena, MT.

Klamath Falls, OR.

Here is another turntable in Missoula, MT, now a part of the Montana Rail Link.

it looks like they still use it to turn the power…not sure if they actually do, because I havent seen it in use.


your picture didn’t come through so please try again. You don’t live in Helena do you? I used to live in Bozeman and still wish that I did. One of my all time favorite places to railfan was Mullan Pass.

Interesting. It shows up when I am looking at it…but not for you. Dont know why that would be. Anyway, here is the link to the picture itself…

Missoula Turntable.

If that doesnt work, try a cut and paste…

We live in Missoula…for all of two months now. Love it here!


I could not see your posted picture, it was a red cross. After I used your Missoula Turntable link, the picture posted now works. Hmmmm…

Same thing happened for me.

JSGreen, sure you might like it now but wait for the winter. My buddy who lived in Mussoula loved it too but said that it got really cold. I guess a lot colder than Bozeman.

not sure what is happening with the pictures, but it may be related to using the google picture web site, Picasaweb. Be interesting to know if another one acts the same way, or if your computer “learned” how to find “Picasa”.

At this point the concept of cold doesnt worry me, but we will see if parctice matches theory…

Does a Zombie Roundhouse count? We have a two-stall Illinois Central roundhouse that is now part of a junkyard complex.[xx(]

I went off of the forum and deleted my temporary internet pages and the same thing happened again.

Double hmmmm…

Well, if you have the time and inclination, we may be able to sort this out a bit…I am going to post in this message another picture. Please let me know if it behaves like the previous picture. If it just shows up as a red X, please visit the link I will also provide. Let me know if it magically appears after you visit the link. Also, before visisting the link, check for the behavior of the previous picture I posted. Please note if it is just a red x before and after visiting this link…

The Picture…

The link…

and the cut and paste…

And, thanks for the help!

This time the first picture was a red x inside a large box, while the second one was a red x in a small box. I clicked on “The link” and got Forbidden. Both pictures stayed as red crosses. Then I clicked on Missoula turntable, and both pictures show, but The link still shows Forbidden.



Your client does not have permission to get URL /1.1 from this server.

Well, heck. Have to set up a different place to post photos, then. I am pretty sure this is a google issue, I will try to work it out with them, if they are interested.

Thanks for the help!

Dont forget Cheyenne

Im sure you may still see some remanants in Green River but the photos of GR are not good at all.

Hey Zak, here is a closer picture of the Klamath Falls roundhouse, or rather where it used to be. It was still standing when I first moved to Modoc.

Turntable, You do the same thing as I do, I still refer to the turntable as the roundhouse, but every one knows what I mean, the round pit is the turntable, the big wooden (or brick) round building is the roundHOUSE. I’m not alone.

Well, here are a couple pictures I have of abandoned roundhouses…first one is in Big Valley, Alberta, a former CNR division point. Second is shot through the turntable at Missoula, Montana, mentioned above.