Giving Away Model Trains for Free at the St. Albans, VT Train Show

I had an incredible time giving away trains and displaying my Z scale layout at the St. Albans train show. You can find it all in this video:

I’ve been wondering about giving away extra stuff at a train show. Did you have to rent space at the show?

Hi Harrison,

I’ll bet that you made a lot of kids (i.e. future model railroaders) very happy! That was very magnanimous of you!

Interesting video too.




Had you been giving away ball signals (Central Vermont had 4 in St. Albans), I would have been the first in line for one. [:P]


Nice video, got to see some of what I missed not getting to walk around.

Thanks for bringing the Z scale over, interesting little project.

Don’t know who is going to have the next show, but hope to see you there.

Have fun,


In this case, the show organizer allowed me to have the table for free. Thank you all for the kind words, Richard, it was fun to show it to you and your neighbors.