i use testor’s gloss “cote” to prepare a locomotive or car for decals. i learned recently that instead of a spray of a flat cote after the decals are put on, i can brush on a flat cote. so does the same apply for the gloss cote? could i brush on a gloss cote before applying my decals?
You’ll be much happier if you spray rather than brush. By the way, I have had excellent success with the Microscale flat finish.
I’m not sure why you would want to brush on anything. If you are going to the trouble to custom-paint, and weather, DO IT RIGHT. If you don’t have an airbrush, you can get a “cheapie” that will suit your purposes just fine for about 20 bucks at any discount outlet. But, make sure you practice on a couple of scrap pieces, before you start spraying your masterpiece. If you are using “Floquil”, I have found that thinning it at about a 75/25 ratio, works well for me. And I DO use a cheap airbrush. Remember, a few thin coats are much better than one heavy coat.
Hope this helps…
Todd C.
Polly Scale (not Polly S) gloss and flat can be brushed on with fairly good results but I prefer an airbrush.