I have a juvenile ? I am building some Ambroid kits. What type of glue should i use hide glue, yellow, tamiya thin(plastic) thanks Ralph
I have a juvenile ? I am building some Ambroid kits. What type of glue should i use hide glue, yellow, tamiya thin(plastic) thanks Ralph
Regular white glue though thick ACC will work and I used that on some door glides for ease of construction.
Old timers will chuckle at your question, but not because it is juvenile. Ambroid was mostly a glue manufacturer and a case can be made that they sold the kits to sell more glue. Frankly I was never that fond of their glues. It is a long time since I used (or smelled) any but it might have been cellulose-based.
Dave Nelson
For real strength in wood joints, say gluing the end blocks to the floor and to the roof on an Ambroid passenger car, you want yellow carpenter’s glue, or Elmers white glue. Poly Vinyl Acetate or PVA glues is what they are called. A good fitting joint, clamped, long grain to long grain, can be as strong as the original wood. You have to clamp the joint and you have to give it over night to dry. Rubber bands slipped around the car make good clamps.
For small parts, doors, window frames, hatches and the like, cellulose cement (Duco cement) is plenty strong enough, and drys in minutes. Does not need to be clamped.
For transparent windows, I use white glue cause it dries clear and minor slips and slops of glue on the “glass” don’t show (much).
Rubber cement, Goo or Pliobond, will bond detail castings into holes in the wood body. Superglue, epoxy, and urethane glue (Gorilla Glue) will also bond to metal.
You will be happier if you secure the coupler box lids with screws rather than glue. Should the coupler need maintenance over the years, it’s easier if you can just unscrew the lid to remoce the coupler.
Dave with one kit I got 2 tubes,they were in a plastic bag. When I opened the bag my aloe plant in the kitchen died