Glueing Buildings

I have a few Pola bulidings. I have constructed a double engine shed but was not able to get the UHU glue recomended in the instructions. My local model shop (who does nothing in the way of G scale railways and is abour 50 miles away) read the instructions and recommended Humbrol plastic model glue.

The building has been in the garden for a year and when I picked it up yesterday it fell apart. The temperature varies from -16C to +40C over the year.

I had thought about using epoxy resin based glue or even clear silicon (the latter should take care of expansion and contraction) but what do you guys think and can you make any recomendations of a product that would be available in Europe.

Many thanks again in advance.

Any solvent-based plastic cement should work. (MEK–methyl-ethyl keytone) may be available at the hardware store, I’m not sure what the laws are in France concerning this stuff. Over here, it’s found in the paint section. The advantage of a solvent cement is that it actually melts the plastic on either side of the joint, effectively welding the two pieces together. Strange that the Humbrol glue didn’t work, but perhaps it’s not a solvent cement.

Your next alternative–as you mention–would be clear silicon adhesives. I know a number of folks who use that with good results.

Also, some have had good luck with a contact cement called “Goop.” I don’t know if it’s available over there, but again check the local home improvement store. There are a number of different kinds of “Goop.” Most folks recommend “Marine Goop.” You may also have luck searching the web for a retailer and ordering on-line.

Good luck!



Try construction adhesive. Its far more effective than most solvent type adhesives. The type they use for glueing shower panels to walls should last forever.

I use construction adhesive and small stainless steel screws. “Liquid Nails” is a popular brand name. The adhesive comes in several sizes, the most popular is the caulking style tubes. Use this stuff and next time you pick up a building, the plastic will fall apart before the adhesive.

On another note, when outside, think outside. See what is on the shelf at the local hardware store or building construction supply. What they sell is what you need.[;)]


Gorrilla Glue is water proof (brownish color and a liquid) and wiill take temperature differences, the slight drawback is this glue does expand upon drying. Just mechaniclly hold the joint together.


Glue with the solvent type, reinforce in corners, etc. with clear silicone or exterior grade construction adheasive!

I am not gluing buildings but using Trex scrap to build bridges. The trex folks recommended reluntantly Gorilia glue but for libility issues ( like I have a 240# engine) they would not stand behind their suggestion.