Gluing Foam to Foam

Actually liquid nails makes an adhesive called “projects and foamboard” that i got from home depot and its safe on foam. i also use it for many other hobby related heavey gluing and it seems to work great.
hope this helps

Gorilla Glue is great but make sure you have Acetone handy for finger or wear gloves or it will have to wear off. You can also spread the glue out and mist it with water(Spray bottle). The water acts as a acelerator. The glue somtimes foams out from the joints but when its dry it can easly be removed( Looks like spray foam)

Well, this weekend I glued the one piece of foam to the other using Aleene’s Foamtastic and is worked GREAT. I let it set for 24 hours and its holding nicely. Not the cheapest way to do it though. Each bottle costs $3, and I needed 6 bottles.


I’ve started gluing down foam board this last week, and thought I’d give a particular kind of adhesive I had left over from another project I did.

This stuff is a water based, water clean-up (as long as it’s still wet) pressure sensitive adhesive. It works like contact cement, except that if you need to make an adjustment after setting the foam down, you can.

Yesterday, I decided to remove a 2x8 foot peice of foam that I had set on Friday, just to see if it would come off without damage. First, I pushed up on the underside, and lifted the benchwork off the ground. That told me it was stuck on pretty well! Next, I stared working just the corner, and, though it wasn’t easy to get it started, it did come up, and I was suprised after having removed the whole sheet, that no damage occured to the underside if the foam. The adhesive was still there and I was able to reset the foam with out adding any more adhesive, and withing a few minutes, it was as tight on the framework as before I removed it…

Next, I’ll try a peice of the foam glued to the foam base, and see if that will come off without damage as well… My gut instinct is that it will…

The stuff is interesting in that the more pressure you apply, the stronger it sticks. As you try to lift it, as long as you maintaing constant lifting pressure, slowly, it will come up. I think this stuff will work great. Another thing about it is that these properties are permanant, as the glue never hardens.
