Gluing Handrails on Athearn Genesis SD 70/75

preparing to install the handrails on this engine and on reading the instructions see that Athearn recommends using ACC for them as the front and side handrails and body shell are made of different plastics.

wondering if this is really nessisary ,had planned to use my Plastruct plastic weld because i like the better control you have using a fine tipped brush.

surely someone has installed these handrails…anyone have experience with this? I understand using ACC on the metal grabirons on backend.

Also I plan on priming and painting the handrails before installing.

The handrails are “slippery” engineering plastic, using a styrene cement will only just dry in the hole and “sort of” wedge/ jamb" the pins for a short time or until the rails get flexed and fallout. CA, although a brittle surface bond should work well. You really only need to dab a touch w/ toothpick or wire on a few of the ones that won’t hold by press fit. Use care at the rail to cab, you may need to remove them in the future. If you experience a pesky stanchion or rail that repeatably comes loose other options of a dab of Goo, Pliobond or other contact type cement can be used, but only a last resort.

Most of mine are not glued, but some are still loose if I lightly painted the Undecorated model.
However, as said, I would not glue down the ends that go into the cab.
You could also look into a rubber cement type of adheasive or a Tacky glue, so you have options for the future,
That is what I do, if I have ones that like to fall out or are twisted & want to spring themselves loose.
Even rubbery paint mask that is near by makes, a nice semi-permanent bond.
I believe the RTR’s I’ve recently aquired have a stronger Goo or Pilobond sort of adheasive, & some I tweezer off the strings they accidently leave.
Do what works best for you, good luck & Enjoy!

thanks for the really great answers, and glad you mentioned about the cab railing,hadn’t thought of that and your defintley correct…press fit hopefully will do it.

Just waiting for my micro mark order now which includes despruing tweesers and a new set of micro drills to get started.

again a big Thanks for the great advice.