going on vacation or rather a little business trip

im going to cincinnati, ohio tomorrow for business was wondering if any of you guys live near or in cincy or on the way from memphis to cincy or cincy to memphis. if you are willing to let me stop by and take a look at your layout to get a few ideas and just just visit and check out a different layout other than the one that i’m trying to build. plus i would love to get to see, meet, and know the people that i’m chatting with on this forum as i have invited you guys to help and check out my layout if you are here or down this way in memphis, tn. hope to hear from you guys soon. until next time or tomorrow sometime during the day peace.

thatboy37 aka reggie

Was in Cincinnati last month. Go to Davis Trains. Not hard to find. Worth the trip. I was at the BPS on the north west side and went around to the east side to get to it. In the town of Milford. Have a good trip.

thanks for the info i’m probably one of there best customers as i’m on there mailing list and get great discounts when i do go to the store thats actually the store where i bought my first o scale train items and trains set. which was the black diamond freight set. on that particular visit i spent $1600.00. the next time you are in cincy you ought to check out the toy store called johnny’s toys in covington, ky and theres one in up by tri-county mall. i got directions to both stores but can actually tell directions to one of them. take 75 south into ky, take exit # 189 and go left off the exit, follow that street down hill until you get to a dairy queen on left and make a left at that light, then follow to straight to you get to the second light and make a right, johnny’s toys is about 1/2 or 3/4 mile on the right you cant miss it they have a great selection of trains ranging from n, ho, and o scale. if you visit ask for tim and tell that reggie #37 told you about the store he should remember me and he can give you directions to the other store which is about ten to fifteen miles away from davis trains. hope you get to visit there the next time you are there. until next time peace

thatboy37 aka reggie

Reggie, unfortunately I live two hours north of Cincinnati, near Columbus, but if you are ever up this way, you are welcome to see my layout and even run it like everbody else that visits seems to do.

I know you have in the past hung around Cincy, [:D]. For ideas about a layout you can’t beat seeing the layout at the museum in the old train station. It is one of the best model train layouts in the country.

There is another good train store at Mason, Ohio on the main street near King’s Island. Thanks for the info about Johnny’s in Covington. I ddin’t know about that store.

i got the direction to the other store in ohio which is also called johnnys toys you take 75 north to exit 16 - 275 east follow straight to exit 39 forrest park follow loop around back over interstate you will travel about 5 miles and you will see the store on the left. you cant miss it. or if you are coming from the north take 75 south to exit 16- 275 east then follow the directions above as follows.

buckeye riveter: what is the name of that store in mason that you are talking about maybe i have been there before but if i havent i will go there tomorow if time allows me and im not up at your place playing with your layout. thanks for the invite and actually if you can give me directions i think there is a well there is a softball tournament up that way this weekend that some friends are playing in and if i have time once they get finished playing if i have time i will definetly stop by. is lebanon, ohio close to you or are my directions off a little bit. well thats where the tournament is and i hope it is close to you that way i can come by. until next time peace

thatboy37 aka reggie