I had the Golden Spike ceremony [actually a golden split-jaw] on my Double tracking Phase I project today. 150ft of track had improved concrete or HDPE ladder roadbed with an additional new 65 ft of track. Eight new switches were installed and the layout [with the exception of one section of 6.5ft] now has a min. 8ft min. diameter turns. The 8, 10, and 12 ft diameter curves, excepting 4-8ft curve sections, were hand bent with a Train-LI RailBender.
Soon Phase II will begin, including reduction of grades and double tracking the other end of the layout, including the West end of the central spur. Targeted completetion for Phase II is before Thanksgiving 2006.
PhaseIII will include a lake, waterfall and third/forth independent loops. Targeted completetion for Phase III is early summer, 2008.
The F3 Warbonnet Streamliners had the honors of plowing the leaves [layout is under 22 mature trees] and making the first run.
Congratulations !!!
RJR Branch Line
Congrats Jim!
Hi Jim
Hope that gold split jaw is well secured or has been removed to the RR museum[:)]
Have you made a track side monument shaped like a spike for the event?? would be an interesting little track side feature.
Seriously congratulations hope it brings you many hours pleasure.
My main line proper is not closed yet so no ceremony for me yet
But have a picture some where of a monument if I can find it when I want it
regards John
Interesting thought about the monument.
Phase II was started today. Excavation and leveling were a challange. As part of Phase I, the “WidowMaker Curve” [inside curve] was modified to have min - 8ft diameter curves. The village of “Ozark,” had to be moved back closer to the “mountain.” The headwaters of the river will need to be rebuilt to pass through the concrete roadbed. I haven’t figured out exactly how I want to do that. Any suggestions?
Congradulations, Jim!! Maybe one day I’ll get there.