"Gondola Connection" (?)

A few days ago, I saw something interesting, and somewhat amusing. On a DM&E rail siding at Box Elder, S.D., were 3 old,beat, rusty, gondolas being loaded with scrap metal by a front end loader. All three had ICE reporting marks, but had bright,shiny. painted on signs that said “Gondola Connection”. Around these parts, anything promoted with the word “connection” is thought to be somewhat cheesy.( The wallpaper connection "Save 80-90-100%-or more!!![;)]). Any body seen these cars around? How does one figure the freight on scrap metal loaded like this?

I have seen Gondola Connection gondolas. With CRLE reporting marks, if I remember correctly. I have not seen any with ICE reporting marks.

CRLE was the original reporting mark for just over 500 of these gondolas (CRLE 3000-3504). They were pretty widely dispersed after that, many to NS, and some to IMRL/ICE, CHTT, among others.

Is “gondola connection” a no longer used marketing name?

Never saw any “marketing” beyond the cars themselves.