Good layout software

I’m rebuilding a small (48x90) HO layout and would appreciate recommendations/suggestions on a low-to-medium priced software.
Mark as cheap as you could possibly find…FREE. make sure to get the registration number so you get the full version.


Atlas’s Software they offer off of their webpage is free and it works pretty well if you are looking for something just to get you started.


I’ve used Cadrail pretty extensively and have been really impressed with its capabilities. The cost is about $100 but this is small relative to what you will ultimately spend on a layout. Getting the trackwork right is critical so I really put a lot of time into getting my track plan finalized before starting construction.

These days, almost all the software for layout planning is good. It becomes more a question of climbing up the learning curve for whatever you wind up with. If you research any discussion groups on this issue, you’ll usually find that the contributors unhesitatingly recommend the design software that they’ve bought as the best solution. Sort of a “true believers” type of discussion.

What this says to me is that once you learn how to use it, any of these software packages will do the job well.

For the record, I use 3rd PlanIt, and am pleased with it.
