I am building a small N scale layout around my computer monitor to operate when writing, call it a diversion:)
I grew up in North Carolina, thus modelling Southern railway, have my beloved U23, SD-9, & GP-7 ph 2 locos ready to roll, with plenty of rolling stock, 3 industry spurs planned for the small layout area, good old dual cab wiring (love the look/sound of 2 trains running simultaneously).
What switch machines can I use for Atlas code 55 track? I dont want to use the standard under the table machines, because I am using foam board as a base, I would prefer a trackside switch as with Atlas code 80 (using Caboose manual throws on visible turnouts, the remotes are for 3 turnouts concealed in a mountain, dont worry, mountain will have a ‘hatch’)
Can code 80 remote switches be used on code 55?
Any links appreciated
Thanks guys