I need to purchase some Atlas Code 100 track for my new staging yard and lift bridge, but I don’t know a good dealer. I need a bit under ten pieces of flextrack and two #6 right-hand turnouts.
I looked at the box I had from a 5-pack of flextrack, and it was $9.99. So calculating the total cost, I should be spending $20 on flextrack. I looked online, and the lowest price I could find in my quick search was $30 total.
Did the prices go up, or am I looking in the wrong place? I tried looking at the websites for local hobby shops, but no luck. My Dad’s Trains has a horrific user interface on their site, and Maine Trains only has sections for locos and rolling stock. I bet they have it (Atlas Code 100 flextrack is a staple at most model railroad stores) but it’s hard for me to get up there, and I don’t want to come back empty-handed if the prices are too high.
Does anyone know where to get affordable flextrack? $10 isn’t too much extra to pay, but I’m such a tight budget that it could go a long way…
Thanks in advance for any help.