Buy a condo in Bakersfield? Not a chance!
One good thing, with the loony-tune mega-buck real estate prices out here you’ll likely get enough $ for it to get a really nice place in Indy, even if its in Bake-in-yer-field.
Buy a condo in Bakersfield? Not a chance!
One good thing, with the loony-tune mega-buck real estate prices out here you’ll likely get enough $ for it to get a really nice place in Indy, even if its in Bake-in-yer-field.
Bigrusty, we have “outbuilding” here in Missouri, but none of the ones I’ve seen were anywhere near big enough for a train layout. [:)] One of the main reasons I’m glad we moved from Arizona (Peoria) to Missouri; they have houses built over these great train rooms.
Yeah, I can’t wait to get a basement. I’m working with Real Estate Agents right now in Indy. I’ve got a lot to choose from. I can remember back in the 80’s when there were nothing but almond orchards everywhere you look here in Bakersfield, now it has about 300,000 people. Not much, but when you consider how much it’s grown, it’s amazing. If you want to see almonds now, you have to go to the grocery store and look at them in bags. I’ve been to Indy several times and I liked it. I like the midwest in general. Hey, you guys have tornadoes there???[wow]
Probably as much as your house is worth in CA $$$s, you should be able to find an extremely roomy house for the same price in IN. It’s amazing how much cheaper it is to live here in northeast OH than it is in the rest of the country.
When ya move your gona miss it all, the highest fuel, housing, funeral and taxes in the nation and most of all ARNOLD. LOL…Wishing you the best John
No.1railfan, help save California… when you leave try to take at least 10 people with you!! [:D]
Best of luck with your cross-country move. Enjoy those cold winters and yes, tornadoes! I grew up next door in Ohio and remember it well. Make sure your basement is dry before building that new layout!