Got a 2-8-0. If you don't hear from me it's cause I'm dead meat.

It is great! I have one myself, fine looking locomotive and runs well.

Matt [8D]

I got it, but my wife don’t like it. I have to put off the basement layout a month. If I disappear check down there for the body.

Park it behind a building. If it’s located say something like “oh yeah, that’s where I left it, I haven’t run that thing in like 4 months.”


I got a NIB Spectrum HO 2-8-0 off Ebay for $50.00. The locomotive is perfect in every way, comparable to BLI in detail, and runs way better than most of my steamers (whines a little bit a higher speeds but what loco doesn’t). I say go for it!

I have one in “N” scale with DCC. A good loco,good puller. I would recommend it.
gandy dancer II

It’s too big for the layout I have…!!!

Congratulation’s (or RIP), whichever comes first.