Got tired of waiting on the tsunami

With so many other choices now available, who cares about the Tsunami? We now have the old SoundTraxx, Digitrax, QSI, the new MRC Brilliance, and LokSound available, so unless Tsunami is radically better than all of them, it’s too late to have any impact on the market.

I was reading up on the new Brilliance decoder from MRC. It seems to be a
big step forward from their previous sound decoder. I am seriously considering
one. I guess it would be worth trying. The old MRC sound decoders were pretty
lame… no control of whistle or horn duration, no control of bell ring rate and most
importantly, no volume control. These problems seem to have been worked out
with the new decoder. Good luck, Dave

I finally went ahead and sold the LL ABBA units and ordered the BLI F units to replace them. I realized by the time I finished outfitting the LL’s with DCC and sound I might as well order BLI’s for the money spent.

I had forgotten all about this thread. It is already OCTOBER 2005 and no word.

Tony’s Train Exchange has just added pictures and details about the new QSI after-market sound decoder, the MRC Brilliance sound decoder, and a new Bachmann Spectrum 2-8-0 with installed decoder.

Read all about it at

Wow, Cacole! Ouch! You hit that one like Babe Ruth swinging a 40" bat!!

IMHO, your point is exactly what many of us have been thinking would eventually happen to Soundtraxx.

Over 2 years ago when Tsunami was announced, many of us were thrilled with anticipation. Now that some serious competition has entered the scene, neither the Tsunami nor Soundtraxx itself command the spotlight like they did just one year ago. Although I’m sure once it makes its debut, Tsunami should still cause excitement if all of the advertised features perform well.

On the plus side, what many of us had been dreaming of has happened. The price of sound has “dipped”. -------------- Ain’t competition great?!

The new QSI aftermarket decoder looks like the Bee’s Knee’s.

The thing I find pretty funny is how much better they say the tsunami will be. The funny part is right now, EVERYTHING is better than the tsunami, because it ain’t even here.

Interesting to me how most of the other decoders that are being discussed are not for sale yet either…Anyone seen a Brilliance or a stand alone QSI or the new Digitraxx??? Shows don’t count…Hopefully some of these might be out before the end of the year…


You make a valid point, however, Digitrax pulled off something that Soundtraxx should have done. Digitrax produced an impressive video . A forum member posted the link. I liked it so much that I downloaded it and saved it to my Media Player.

Overall, it seems like the sticky points with Soundtraxx is that while they were impacted by the MTH vs. QSI, lawsuit Digitrax and Loksound were able to produce American locomotive sound decoders long afterwards. Add to that, MRC, supposedly, is producing a higher quality sound decoder. Grant it, Soundtraxx is a small company and likely does not have the resources of the competition…

Unfortunately, consumer loyalty is finnicky today. While the Tsunami is supposed to be the “Cadillac” of sound decoders, chances are if the Digitrax and LokSound units provide the sound quality levels of the old Soundtraxx DSX units, then a many of us would likely be quite satisfied.

My point still stands…Where are they??? Lok Sound has a few drawbacks if you look into it…Digitrax said October 1, have they released yet? Brilliance was due in Sept., Are they out yet???. QSI not due until January…As for the video…excellent. I have heard great stuff about the Tsunami from beta testers as well…still doesn’t mean much until the goods are in hand…

MRC had better do better with the Brilliance than their other sound offerings or they aren’t going to make a dent in the market…

Digitrax is offering downloads and customizable sounds. How will this work??? The decoders as advertised on Tony’s page are pre-loaded for a few diesels, no steam as of yet…

Lok Sound offers a bunch of pre-loaded diesels but no pre-loaded steam. To load sounds from their website you need a $100 box/interface…

My point is that I think that the details with some of these competitors will take some time to work out and ultimately Soundtraxx dragging their feet may have been a good thing because it spurred more companies to enter the market. But I would say that it is still an open field right now…

One other point: The Tsunami is 16 bit sound (CD quality), the Lok Sound is 8 bit…I wonder what the resolution of the other decoders will be???.

BTW…Did you notice the drop in price on the current Soundtraxx offerings…Looks real good until you call Tony’s and find out they are all on backorder.


Yep, I posted before how “interesting” it was that Soundtraxx decoder prices dropped rather suddenly. I wonder: Was it due to the Tsunami being close to making its appearance? I’m only guessing, but my feeling is that its due to Digitrax and LokSound’s competition. [;)]

Like you’ve stated, these new decoders have “yet” to make the appearance, but it’s rather interesting what happens when publicity reaches the public. That Digitrax video stream must have been “one-heck-of-a-kicker” in Soundtraxx’s pants! Even the talk at my LHS has shifted from the Tsunami to ordering the LokSound and Digitrax sound units. So, I wonder if other LHS dealers are thinking along these same lines? [8)]

Inspite of all of the logical explanations about working extra hard to produce a “super product”, Soundtraxx’s silence regarding the Tsunami certainly has not done a good job for public relations, especially among their loyal customers.

I remember last year several modelers posting their frustration at wanting sound very much, however, Soundtraxx’s prices made it seem like they would likely not afford quality sound decoders.[V][B)] The Soundtraxx LC decoder was a cheaper option, but its sound was not as powerful as the more expensive DSX. (yes, I’ve heard a couple of DSD LC decoders…O.K, but a far cry from QSI’s sound. The Soundtraxx DSX is much more dynamic)

Because Soundtraxx “commanded” the sound decoder market for several years, they could set prices that would assure them of a healthy profit. [4:-)] It’s a lot easier for a small company to produce a limited number of items and sell at a higher price rather than produce the same product in “Bulk” and sell it cheaper.

Guys, I kidd you not, but a DCC vendor very close to Soundtraxx’s owners (Steve and Nancy Workman) told me two years ago that, financially, Soundtraxx was in a position where it c

Dave - Just to give you my two cents worth on dual decoders. I use digitraxx the “Super Chief” with two DT-400 throttles. I have put sound in six of my Loco’s so far and have several more pending. I find if I put the motor on one decoder address and the sound unit on another and MU them I take up both positions on the DT-400 throttle. I just put in a DH-163 for motor control and a DSX in a F1 A/B set (both powered). I set up the two 163’s by themselves and then prog each DSX separately and then have all four on the same address as they will be perm MU’d anyway. It really is not all that difficult to do I simply clip the two leads of the DSX to my prog track and prog it. THe motor decoder (163) stays in the loco so prog it is even easier. I have had no problems with this setup at all. And the good thing is I can control two units with sound with just one throttle position. I understand that if for what ever reason I have to change CV’s that I have to do each individually. However knowing that I spent a great deal of time setting the initial cv’s so I don’t anticipate having to change any in the future. I have three other loco’s that I have done the same way with no probs. It just seems to be the easiest way to do it rather than having to MU two loco’s and two sound units anytime you want to run the FA1/B1 set. Just my two cents worth.
PS Looks like another Hurricane may be heading North later this week. doesn’t look like a biggy though.

"Or am I just blowing smoke? :wink:


No, Rob, not blowing smoke, just creating WAVES! LOL

Nex quote:
“First bird in the morning gets the worm I say.”

True, but it’s the SECOND mouse who gets the cheese!

I don’t know diddley about DCC, so I thought I’d just be a smarta$$. I’m better at it! LOL

Darrell, obviously not quiet…for now

Digitrax gives a November 15 ship date, now.

I wi***hese manufacturers would be more conservative with their release dates.

Terry … Florida Keys, huh? Horible place to live …well, somebody has to live there.[:)]
You’re a lucky f***.

I take the family to Key Largo once a year. That’s where I took my check out dive to get my certification. We only have open water.


Hi Antonio

I subscribe to Bruce at Litchfield Station’s listserv, who directed beta versions of the Tsunami to various people. He did not come out and say it, but I kinda got the feeling that the Tsunami would have been released by now.

The Tsunami will be the only 16 bit chip, right?


Okay, here’s the deal. I tried MUing the decoders and it’s not a good idea. Here’s the problem:

  1. If I MU the Soundtraxx to the motor decoder, the the bell and whistle sounds are muted.

  2. If I MU the motor decoder to the Soundtraxx, the headlight doesn’t work.
    Either way, one or the other acts as a slave to the top address.

  3. If I program the Soundtraxx and the motor decoder to the same address, I have to ring the
    bell in order for the firebox flicker to work(they both operate via f1). This is not really a huge deal
    because I’m not real concerned with firebox flicker. It’s a cool feature, but unless I am looking
    directly into the cab I can’t see it anyway.

This is only a temporary situation, anyway. That is, if someone would release a much over
due sound decoder. I just can’t make myself commit to permanently installing the LC decoder
in my Allegheny.

Dave - reconfigure the firebox flicker f-1 key or the light to another Func key not being used. BAM your done and you have control of everything. As I mentioned above it is much simpler to punch in one address for a sound loco rather than going thru the MUing thing. I have an A and B unit plus both with sound all on one address and it so far has been flawless. Looks like were going to suck up this Hurricane for you!

I was checking the track of the storm on the National Hurricane Centers site and
was amazed at the turn that it’s “supposed” to make. I have seen them do this once
they get in the northern Gulf, near land.

I guess you will ride out this one as well? Y’all be careful. It’s looking like early next
week before it becomes a problem. Even though it’s not strong right now doesn’t
mean much… remember, Katrina wasn’t much before it entered the Gulf.

I think I’ll be paying a visit to Trains by Johnson this weekend. I haven’t been in lately.
Dave was talking to me about building him a yard building the last time I was in there.
I need to see if he is still interested… and maybe I’ll do some shopping while I’m there.[}:)]

Keep in touch, Dave

I know this is a long shot, but I was in a train store last week (in Philadelphia) and I heard some ‘gossip’. Basically that SoundTrax is in financial trouble. Apparently their is no mention of Tsunami on their website any more and despite the promise of ‘production in a few weeks’ back in June, apparently nothing has been heard since. I notice the tha DSD-150 has also disappeared from their price list. THings have changed a lot since the two years ago the Tsunami was SUPPOSED to be available!


It’s been a while since I checked the Soundtraxx site, but you’re right. They seem to have
removed any mention of the Tsunami decoder. They did say they are updating the site,
but they still list all of the other decoders… Hmmm. Dave