GP7 Derails

I have a Lifelike GP7 that often derails when going though turnouts (one in particular) as well as derailing

other times as well. It is the only loco I have that derails in this fashion - in fact, my six axle EM8

negotiates this turnout with no problem. Is there some problem with the wheels or the truck on this

Lifelike GP7 that causes this annoyance? I have inspected the turnout - it is level, makes the full travel


turning so this is very puzzling. Any and all suggestions will be appreciated.

By the way, there is a freezing rain all over our area so one cannot get outside - thus MRing this AM.

Thanks for your help.

Check the gauge of the wheels. If this is a Life-Like Proto series GP7 the wheels are on axle stubs that are pressed into an axle gear. One or more may have come out a little or may have been pressed in a little further.