has the ruling grade on the Wasatch beeing reduced from the 1.14% during the late fourties?
Maybe just on 1 track for keeping uphill-traffic run more fluently?
Any information are appreciate, happy railroading to eveyone!
has the ruling grade on the Wasatch beeing reduced from the 1.14% during the late fourties?
Maybe just on 1 track for keeping uphill-traffic run more fluently?
Any information are appreciate, happy railroading to eveyone!
…Welcome aboard the forum Lars…
Thanx for the welcome!
Now, does somebody has data about the actual grades between Ogden and Wasatch?
Looking at my copy of the UP Condensed Profile which dates from the early 70’s, the steepest grade I can find between Ogden and Wahsatch is on what is noted as the WB main line (the original 1869 main) between MP 930.3 and 930.9 just east of Castle Rock. It shows as being 1.77%. This area has a sustained grade of between 1.55 and 1.77% from 930.3 to 935.6.
Another similar grade is on the WB (original main) between MP 981.0 and 982.0 just west of Gateway. It shows as being 1.72%.
Hope that helps. Any grade changes since the 70’s, I have no info on.
When they added the second track around 1915 (or whenever it was), the new line became the eastward track with a 1.14% maximum, compensated for curve resistance. No change since then.
@Steve14 and timz:
Thank you so much for your information.
I was wondering about the tonnage ratings UP give to their trains there, especially BB:
Designed for 3600t at this grade, they could took up to 4450t as often stated ? That is 20% more!
my 1983 timetable shows the following tonnage ratings for a GP9:
Ogden to Wahsatch on EB track – 1550t
Ogden to Wahsatch on WB track – 1050 t
Wahsatch to Laramie – 2050t
BTW Idaho Falls to Butte – 750t
Hey dd,
Good ol’ GP9! It is interesting how much tonnage the grade eats up. Thank you.
This makes sense and me thinking of following:
3x GP9 with 138000lbs TE could produce 5250HP and pull 4650t.
UP needed around 3-4 GP7, GP9, F3 or E3-7whatever to equal 1 BB there.
Could BB bring up a train as fast as a modern unit there?
It took 4h to run the 70miles, including one stop.
What about “modern” schedules?
Sorry I don’t have a timetable old enough to show a Big Boy’s tonnage rating - but just for grins here is the ratings for the Centennial (DD40X)
Ogden to Wahsatch on WB – 2300t
Ogden to Wahsatch on EB – 3350t
Wahsatch to Laramie – 4500t
Ok dd,
grins !
Even the Centennials weren’t up to a BB 28 years later. Their starting TE was something about
135000-140000lbs, same as a BB.
What is your source about the ratings? Are the Turbines yet listed ?
My source is UP timetable #7, Effective 17 July 1983. After the turbines had retired.
Sorry dd, didn’t recognize your country,
happy greetings to 119 + Jupiter!
I couldn’t found any data until yours, thank you so much.
Now, for somebody would be interested:
BB from Cheyenne to Buford 3250tons@1,55% grade.
Cheyenne to Buford DD40X - 2600t, SD45 - 2250t
ps - I volunteer at Golden Spike and fire both 119 & Jupiter
Interesting, didn’t know they are in running cond.
Fire 'em as HELL!!! You made my day!
Back to topic:
Sorry, but I can not provide the original link anymore for a tonnage rating table of UP steam locomotives.
It is between Cheyenne and Odgen.
Found this on the net somewhere:
Here is the data for BB:
Cheyenne to Buford: 3250t@1.55%
Buf. to Rawlings: 6000t
Raw. to Green River; 6000t
G. R. to Rock Springs:6000t
R. S. to Wamsutter: 7800t
Wam. to Laramie: 5900t
Lar. to Buford: 5800t
Buf. to Cheyenne: 6100t
G. R. to Wahsatch: 6090t
Was. to Ogden: 6100t
Ogd. to Wahsatch: 4450t@1.14%
Was. to Green River:6090t
Hope this might be interesting for somebody.
Any data for an AC or Turbine out there?
I may be just misreading your list there Lars, But I see an inaccuracy in the succession of locations on your list.
Starting in Ogden and going East
Ogden, Wasatch, (Evanston), Green River, Rock Springs, Wamsutter, Rawlins, Laramie, Buford, Cheyenne.
They’re out of order, but there’s no “inaccuracy” in his list, is there? (Except it’s Rawlins with no “g”.)