What % grade is to steep? I run mostly mth ps2 engines with know more then 15 car trains. I don’t want to be constantly adjusting the throttle. Any help would be great. Thanks
Welcome to the forum [:)]!
I have about a 2.5% grade on O-54 curves. Both my Lionel GP 7 (Pullmor motor) and Berkshire require “Boost” on the CAB 1 up the upside and “Brake” on the downside or a corresponding throttle adjustment. I am usually running 4 - 8 cars.
- Luther
thanks for the reply. my plan is for a 2% grade on a track curve radius of 0-63. I’m hopeing this will allow for unattended train operation. Does the lionel system cab1 system have an auto cruise control system?
csmnlm - your plan for a 2% grade should be ok. If in doubt a way to test for a particular train is to temporarily fasten some track to a plank and test to see what the train can handle. As to the CAB-1, the cruise control is part of the individual engine’s electronics, not the control system. Unless an engine has Lionel’s Odysee (sp?), or another cruise control system built in it’ll need manual control via the CAB-1. There are companies that make retrofit systems for older engines.
Also remember that PS2 trains already have “cruise control”. Just set the speed on the DCS remote and that is where the engine should stay, hill or valley.
Jim H
I would like to get some more feed back on my track plan. I’m using RR track version 4.02 software to aid in the design of my layout but I am unsure how to post a picture of it on the forum.