Grafitti Pecentage ?

Just for laughs I watched a C.P.R. drag going south and thought I would count the amount of grafitti on the whole train, 65 cars : 65 cars with grafitti, every car had tags, some big, some small. That’s 100% and this was a mixed train, Does anyone work anymore or is everyone busy spraying trains??? Just how massive is this problem and I’m sure it will get worse, although at 100% coverage per train, what will be the new challenge???

Who knows mabe our Steam Locomotives will get spray painted with Grafitti someday.
Just that might be a wakeup call.

Myself I could not care less. It is the RRs equipment thus there problem since they own the property not me. I only wi***hat they would paint location & date so that we can see where the cars was before we saw it [:p][:D]

Originally posted by tatans

Here in the South I’ve seen entire trains go by without a single tag on them. I can’t make a general statement on railroad culture or graffitti “artists” one way or another.

The only thing I can say is that taggers usually go after stationary objects that are unprotected. A large freight car left in a corner of a yard for days, weeks, or months is probably an ideal target…
