Grafton West Virginia D Tower

At one time one of the popular train magazines had an article on how to scratch build the B&O Grafton, WV D Tower. I thought it was in o gauge magazine. Does anyone remember this and what month and year it was in. Looked on the o gauge site but could not find it. Thanks Big Mike


I do not know the answer, but I think your post got “lost in limbo”, so I am giving it a bump to the top where other people can see it and hopefully help out.


Hi, Mike

Here’s a look for those interested.

SO many of our venerable (and vulnerable) railroad facilities disappearing. MG and AR towers near Horseshoe Curve are two others recently destroyed.

Sorry I couldn’t find plans. I looked at the Library of Congress site but came up empty. Could it have been in the B&O Modeler?

Good luck, Ed

MG and AR are gone now too? Never saw MG, but I did see AR on my trips over there in 2003 and 2004.


I wonder if Mr. Dreavers is able to be contacted? I see the site is dated 2005.

Cheers, the Bear.[:)]