Do any of you Minnesoa people here know who serves the grain operation company Valleyfair?
I’m taking a bit of a guess here, but:
I read a bit on the county, and it said the line running through Shakopee became part of the Milwaukee Road.
The Milwaukee Road was sold to the SOO Line, which was sold to CPR, so I’m assuming this facility is served by CPR.
Now, this is assuming that when you say Valley Fair you are refering to the Amusement park in Shakopee, and I didn’t get confused somewhere…
(Edit) Oops, is the grain company called Valleyfair? I must have inserted an “in” or something…
Where did you get this information?
When i clicked on this thread i thought you were wondering who else is from Minnesota. Cant help you much on the question, but hey, im in New Brighton lol.
gee, wctransfer, thanks for you “contribution”
Hi Jailbreak. I though Valleyfair was a amusment park. Just had a wreck on their train. I am curious what grain company you are refering to. When I was your age I shoveled grain for ADM,General Mills and Cargill. That taught me to hate box cars, or love them, I don’t remember which. There is a little short line out by Shokopee, an old off shoot from the Northfield line maybe, but I don’t really know. I will follow this thread and learn something., Take Care.
Arthill, Is the shortline I C E? Which plants did you work at?
Jailbreaker, let’s not create a situation. You may want to change your title to reflect the question on what railroad serves plants in Shakopee/Valleyfair.
I recieved the information from the Scott County website, as well as Wikipedia.
A little bit was from my annual trips to Minneapolis (New Brighton).
Hi Yoshi. I worked at a couple of plants on Hiawatha in Minneapolis, and one down town, now long gone. I do not know what the short line is, I just saw an article in a local paper a few months ago. When you coming to New Brighton?
Arthill, I have absolutely no idea when the next time will be.
The only mills I know of along the highway are those near a large bridge that the highway uses. Are these the same mills by any some chance?
How’s traffic been on Hiawatha lately? Have they fixed the problem with LRT’s causing constant delay for traffic going in the same direction as the train?
Are you talking about Shakopee or Savage. If you mean Shakopee, I believe the answer you seek is UP formerly C&NW. CP could provide service via the old MN&S to Savage.
Looking at the Operations SIG listing, it only shows the C&NW (UP) as Big Boy said above.
Shakopee - Served by the "Omaha’(C&NW) and a Milw branch. Several miles north of town is the Valleyfair amusment park. Ther used to be a spur to a large grain elevator that ran through the land to the elevator. The switch was moved further south to avoid the amusment park. Not sure who now owns the elevator complex…the trackage is UP(ex-C&NW).
Cargill has a very extensive set-up near Valleyfair amusement park, if that’s what you’re thinking of. They still have their own switchers. It is served by UP now, as someone said above, it was originally a CNW (Omaha Road) line. Savage would be on that line too so I would assume UP would serve any industries there. (Col. Savage’s racehorse, Dan Patch, had an Omaha Road private car, despite Savage owning the RR that would become the Minneapolis Northfield and Southern.)
Thank you!!